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Nutrition and Weight Loss At Miami Spine Clinic

A heart-shaped plate with healthy fruits and vegetables on it.What you eat is a key cause of either feeling amazing or suffering through bad health. At Miami Spine Clinic, we provide one-on-one nutrition counseling to show you simple changes you can make to start thriving long term.

Losing Weight and Gaining Better Health

Changing your eating habits is one of the most important steps to weight loss. Being overweight can make it hard to get up and down, leading to muscle imbalances and gait issues. This often causes knee and ankle pain. You’re also more likely to end up on medications that cause joint issues and other side effects.

Even if you have a fast metabolism, a poor diet causes chronic inflammation. What you put into your body has a direct effect on both your long-term health and how you feel today.

Modeling a Whole and Healthy Life

Our food coaching can help with inflammation, digestive issues, weight loss, and pain. We include it with our regular chiropractic care because we believe healthy eating is important for everyone.

This isn’t just a theory for us. Dr. Thompson talks from experience. He lives the chiropractic lifestyle he recommends. He knows how hard it is to change lifelong habits—and how incredible it feels to reap the lifelong benefits of living, eating, and moving well.

Customized Action Steps for You

We help take the mystery out of how to make big life changes by giving you personalized, practical steps to start approaching food differently.

We start by asking you what you eat to give us an idea of your current lifestyle patterns. We’ll then give suggestions about foods you could either incorporate into your weekly habits or remove from your diet.

We generally recommend a colorful or anti-inflammatory diet to help you get the most benefit from real foods.

Open the Door to Wellness Today

We’re committed to helping you improve your health, one step at a time. Schedule your appointment today.

Nutrition and Weight Loss Miami FL | (786) 661-0906